New bull: Credentialing

Credentialing: 1. Presenting credentials. 2. Awful way to encapsulate describing what you do, much loved by over enthusiastic American companies, as in “Hey Brad, we have developed a breakthrough external-relations and credentialing program.”

New bull: Intertwingled

Intertwingled:1. A portmanteau of intertwined and intermingled, coined by Ted Nelson to describe the way information is presented on the web. 2. Usable in pretty much any situation, as in “Bollocks, the cables under my desk are totally intertwingled.”

New bull: Commercial wife-beating

Commercial wife-beating: 1. Constantly beating up a supplier who offers no resistance. 2. Disgraceful one-sided business relationship in which a dominant partner screws the other party on every dimension – price, service levels, professional intimidation, and personal abuse. (see BOHICA; Partners; 60:50 relationship, this is the perfect)

New bull: Moofing

Moofing: 1. Working out of the office. 2. Multi-angled car crash of the words mobile, out of office, and working on the hoof; echoes of goofing and spoofing; possibly not working at all.