New bull: Always in beta

Always in beta:1. Forever in test mode. 2. Rather hip phrase adopted by digital natives to suggest that they are constantly improving their work; failure to note that this means they never arrive in alpha, so nothing is permanent and there is always an excuse as to why something doesn’t work because it is still work in progress; additional insinuation that anyone in alpha is some kind of stick-in-the-mud dinosaur. (see Digital native)

New bull: Credentialing

Credentialing: 1. Presenting credentials. 2. Awful way to encapsulate describing what you do, much loved by over enthusiastic American companies, as in “Hey Brad, we have developed a breakthrough external-relations and credentialing program.”

New bull: FUCT

FUCT: 1. Failed Under Continuous Testing. 2. Not up to it; deficient; kaput; below standard; same meaning if the T is replaced by KED. (see FUBAR; FUBB)

New bull: ASTRO

 ASTRO: 1. Always Stating The Really Obvious. 2. Intensely annoying characteristic of those who have little to contribute but are desperate to make it look as though they do. (see Jobsworth; Obvious, a firm grasp of the)