Degrow: 1. Shrink; decline. 2. Disgraceful attempt to suggest that something is going up rather than down – usually sales or profits; another in the large lexicon of words attaching the de- prefix to an otherwise positive word in the vain hope that no one will notice the bad news. (see Decruit; Dejob; Delayering; Destaff)
Category Archives: Bullshit
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Architect (vb.): 1. To design or organize something. 2. Nasty transmogrification of a noun (denoting a venerable profession) into a verb suggesting that something has been prepared with diligence and no little skill; almost invariably overclaim, as in “Once we have the blueprint, we can really architect this comprehensively, Rupert.” (see Crafting, it needs a bit of)
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Ersatz traditionalism: 1. Pretending to be traditional. 2. Nasty tendency for so many modern brands to claim authenticity; imitation of the real thing; artificial background trumped up company librarian who tracks down an ancient ancestor of the founder who once worked as a blacksmith; faux history generated in the vain hope that someone won’t rumble it via thorough research online. (see Authenticity; Back story; Provenance)
Zero tolerance: 1. Refusal to tolerate anything that the rules don’t allow. 2. Refusal to tolerate anything that I don’t like, because I am in charge; random, whim-based decree denouncing whatever the Chief Executive can’t stand this month; juvenile idea that if I say it mustn’t happen, then it certainly won’t happen, as in “We have a zero tolerance to sexism in this company,” followed swiftly by revelations that said Chief Executive has been shagging the receptionist behind his wife’s back, and refusing to pay all female executives the equivalent to their male counterparts. (see Failure is not an option; Nero syndrome)
All-singing, all-dancing:
All-singing, all-dancing: 1. The full works, with no expense spared, particularly with regard to presentation. 2. Much fanfare with precious little content. (see Bells and whistles; Hype; Pull out all the stops; Push the boat out)
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