Appraisal, 360 degree:

Appraisal, 360 degree: 1. Appraisal in which everyone with whom you work is consulted, regardless of status. 2. Annoying, touchy-feely modern HR development in which the tea lady has a say about whether you get a pay rise or not; fertile opportunity for colleagues to shaft you completely, whilst hiding behind the veil of anonymity; erratic and inconsistent scoring system which seems to have no pattern from one review to another; confused even further by having a different appraiser every time; pointless, ill-informed chat with so-called line manager who doesn’t give a shit. (see Appraisal, one degree; Line manager; Performance review; Shafted down the river, yourself)

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New bull just in…

Full-tilt boogie: 1. All out; 100%; full-throttle, possibly of dancing to heavy rock music. 2. Ill-advised diving in with both feet; little or no preparation, followed by a no-holds-barred assault; thundering into a meeting blind, firing off a range of deeply-held prejudices, only to discover that you are woefully under-briefed. (see Bull in a china shop; Come a cropper)

New bull just in…

Drink the Kool-Aid: 1. To mindlessly adopt the dogma of a group or company without really understanding why or questioning intentions sufficiently. 2. Reference to an American fruit drink, purported to have been laced with cyanide and given to the followers of the Jim Jones cult at the Jonestown massacre in 1978 (unverified and often disputed); intensely annoying capacity of enthralled staff to parrot the company line; typical examples include a rabid and irrational hatred of any competitive product, an unshaken belief that their product is always the best (despite persistent evidence to the contrary), and an inevitable adoption of all company jargon, even at home and with mates in the pub.