Builds: 1. Other ideas adding to what has been said already. 2. Awful bastardization of a verb into a noun, as in “If we can have your builds on this, please Ron?”; also applied to ever-increasing number of points on an already-overloaded chart.
Category Archives: Bullshit
New bull: Astroturfing
Astroturfing: 1. When a movement is portrayed as a grassroots initiative but is actually run on behalf of corporate interests. 2. Curious, semi-sporting, analogy that takes a playing surface noun and turns it into a verb, all for the sake of a pun about grass; almost certainly invented by people who have never played football in their lives, but think it might be trendy to do so.
New bull just in
Across the whole piece: 1. Everywhere. 2. Baffling conflict between one piece (presumably singular) and pieces (presumably several); vague suggestion of a lot of stuff; comprehensive, but uncertain in what way; grandiose; omnipresent; often accompanied with a world domination sweep of the arm, as in “I want Project Duckboard implemented across the whole piece, Barry.” (see Across the board, right)
New bull just in
TLA: 1. Three-letter acronym. 2. Rather peculiar idea of describing an acronym with an acronym, with barely any gain in brevity; often favoured by large corporations who love to suggest that they are ‘in the know’ when you clearly aren’t; annoying habit of lawyers, accountants, and other so-called specialists, of generating an impenetrable argot to obfuscate what they are up to. (see Obfuscation)
New bull just in
Dog food, eat your own: 1. Experience the (bad) result of something you initiated yourself. 2. Canine-influenced phrase suggestive of being on all fours in a humiliating posture, and consuming something pretty nasty. (see Hoist with one’s own petard)