NEW BULL: Cascade

 Cascade (vb.): 1. Of water, to fall down, as in a waterfall. 2. To tell the other people in a company something, usually subordinates; to pass on information; to inform (a quality often beyond most large companies); to keep in the dark; to fail comprehensively to mention anything helpful at all; to patronize with kindergarten observations or bland, uninformative platitudes; to say nothing at all. (see Mum, keep)

New bull: Alphanista

 Alphanista: 1. Elite band of successful women in powerful positions who appear to have it all. 2. Curiously pseudo-glamorous way of describing people who lead businesses, in this case females; hints of the mafia, or some revolutionary group, when in fact the protagonists are merely perfectly ordinary executives in heels and shoulder pads doing little more intrepid than convening meetings and holding court all day. (see Alpha male; Apex predator; Ballbreaker; Gynocracy; Nutcracker; Rottweiler)

New bull: Acqui-hire

Acqui-hire: 1. An elision of acquire and hire; someone who became an employee without going through the usual process. 2. Dreadful term that can refer to a good or bad state of affairs – good if the employee cleverly managed to bypass all the usual nonsense that goes with getting a job, or bad if a boss has inherited a complete dimwit, and nobody knows how he or she got there.

New bull (very nasty this one)

Datafy: 1. To convert into data. 2. Loathsome verb spawned from the modern obsession with ‘big data’, as in “Of course now that we have datafied it, we can really exploit the customer base, Brendan.”